Contact Us Today! (916) 498-8460

Sacramento DUI Lawyer

Dedicated to DUI Defense in Sacramento

It happened, you got arrested for a DUI. Life doesn't stop there.  Remember it's not how we fall that matters because we all fall, we are human.  It's how we get up after a fall that shows our character and defines us.  Let me help you get up.  Let me help you make the best out of a bad situation.

I have spent the last 20 years of my life fighting DUI's and learning about every aspect of fighting a dui case from the moment when the officer pulls you over through the final analysis of your blood and breath sample.  I have tried and acquitted defendant over the years, I have had cases dismissed for constitutional violations.  I have save a great many driver's license by finding errors and omissions while studying client's police reports.

Let me use my years of courtroom experience and training to guide you through this unfriendly and stressful process. I can appear for you in court while you attend to your busy schedule and I will report back to you as soon as it is over. You do not have to miss work and you can be assured that you have an experienced pro in your corner guiding and advising you every step of the way.

The comfort of knowing that you have the best advise is only a call away.

Call now 916 498-8460


Available 24/7

DUI Defense Since 1994
The Law Office of John Campanella is available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call today at (916) 498-8460 for a free consultation to go over the details of your case.

Office Location

Law Office of John Campanella
901 H St. Suite 301
Sacramento, CA 95814
Hours: 8:30 – 5:00 M-F
Phone: (916) 498-8460
Fax: (916) 476-6350
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