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Case Results

The police dash cam was subpoenaed and won the case

June 2013

Client was an out of state business woman from Oregon who was pulled over while driving down J Street in Downtown Sacramento.  The officer claimed that she was weaving and almost hit another vehicle.  I subpoenaed the video and when I finally watched it I discovered that there did not appear to be anything wrong with my client's driving.  I filed a motion to suppress evidence under penal code section 1538.5 due to an illegal detention by the police and the judge granted my motion resulting in the case being dismissed.

Court: Sacramento

John Campanella

I have been representing people accused of drunk driving since I began practicing in 1995. I am active member of the National College of DUI Defense, a member of California DUI Lawyers Association, I am certified by the National Highway and Traffic Association for the administration of Field Sobriety Tests. I regularly attend DUI continuing education of the Bar, have tried over 35 Jury Trials, hundreds of pretrial motions and over 1000 DMV hearings all relating to DUI cases.

Available 24/7

DUI Defense Since 1994
The Law Office of John Campanella is available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call today at (916) 498-8460 for a free consultation to go over the details of your case.

Office Location

Law Office of John Campanella
901 H St. Suite 301
Sacramento, CA 95814
Hours: 8:30 – 5:00 M-F
Phone: (916) 498-8460
Fax: (916) 476-6350
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